Robert A. Merrick (Bob) and Doris E. Merrick, Founders
Two of Twelve Ministries was dreamt of and established by husband and wife duo, Bob and Doris Merrick. The heart of their ministry is to help their clients break through obstacles that are holding them back from discovering and coming alive to the purpose God placed on their life.
Through Two of Twelve Counseling services, Caleb Place Ministry, and the IWOK teaching ministry, Bob and Doris offer many services and resources to meet you where you are at and help you get where you are called to be.

Bob is the average-man, guy-next-door, who fell in love, married, helped raise three children, built a 35+ year career as a Civil Engineer, mowed the lawn, fixed the plumbing, helped his neighbors, and balanced financial challenges.
All of his life experiences - from marriage and professional career, to founding a Christian high school and teaching, to coaching youth sports and leading church fellowship groups - seemed to have little relevance in the midst of life encounters with crisis in his own life and the lives of family, friends, and others along his path. Through the years, Bob walked closer with God - learning more about the meaning of, "...all things work together for good to those who love God." (Romans 8:28) - and spent hundreds of late-night/early-morning hours studying God's Word, listening to His voice, and writing out the Biblical insights he has discovered. Bob's life mistakes and victories, mountain-top moments, and valley-lows are a testament of our Lord and Savior's no-matter-what love for us.
God has gifted Bob as an encourager/exhorter/teacher and a listener/discerner.
In his tool belt, Bob carries training through Grace Fellowship International, Exchanged Life Ministries, SOZO, Freedom in Christ Ministries, Led by the Spirit School, Adonai Resources and Colorado Theological Seminary (Creation Therapy), Issue-Focused Ministry through Restoring the Foundations, and is SYMBIS (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts) certified. Bob obtained his Masters Degree in Christian Counseling at Christian Leadership University in 2021. This training encompasses a lot of great Biblical wisdom and Godly counseling tools, but Bob's greatest asset is his willingness to be led by the Holy Spirit.
His heart is to follow God and to lead others to the freedom and victory found through faith in Jesus Christ, the love of the Heavenly Father, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Doris is a Godly woman full of compassion with a magnetizing heart and spirit. Throughout the years, many of her work associates have tokened her as "mom" due her ability to care for others and empathize with them. Doris is able to understand and relate to others through her life experiences including marriage, divorce, parenting, and developing an intimate relationship with Jesus. Doris hears from the Heavenly Father and always seems to have just the right word of encouragement for those she meets. In her tool belt, she carries training through Led by the Spirit School and Issue-Focused Ministry through Restoring the Foundations. Her heart is to help others to fall in love with their personal Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, hear the voice of God for themselves, and know who they are in Christ.
Life is too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled by one’s self — so what are you waiting for? Let us help you learn and develop better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way of what God has planned for you.